fip kucing simptom
Kucing yang dijangkiti FIP akan kelihatan sakit, selalu demam yang tidak bertindak balas kepada antibiotik. For example, the cat may develop difficulty in standing up or walking, becoming functionally paralyzed … Tak sempat nak masak. Wet FIP yang menyebabkan busung air pada abdomen dan juga thorax. Memang seronok bela kucing ni tapi bila time sakit cab... Hi Korang! Diagnosa FIP dijumpai pada seekor kucing dengan gejala anoreksia, lemas, perut. When this occurs, the virus is referred to as the FIPV. We provide 2 concentrations of GS-441524: 17mg/ml and 20mg/ml. Simple je resepinya. More recently, a technology called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used to detect viral genetic material in tissue or body fluid. Penyebab patologi. Another, called the immunofluorescence test, can detect viral proteins in virus-infected white blood cells in tissue or body fluids. Generally speaking, the signs of the noneffusive form, which may include the non-specific signs listed above as well as neurologic signs including seizures and ataxia (abnormal or uncoordinated movements) develop more slowly than those of the effusive form. The vaccine appears to be safe, but the risks and benefits of vaccination should be weighed carefully. Untuk rawatan tepat pada masanya, perlu mengetahui simptom patologi, sebab kejadiannya, pencegahan. Terdapat 3 jenis kategori yang menyebabkan sakit kuning pada kucing iaitu kategori Pre-hepatic jaundice, Hepatic jaundice dan Post-hepatic jaundice. Kesian time ni anak dia mati kena langgar. Kita memang sudah familiar dengan ungkapan bahaya mi segera, ... Hi Korang! This drug is currently not FDA-approved, however, and while there are a number of sources offering it for sale, anecdotal reports suggest that the products being provided by some of these sources vary widely in both accuracy of reported drug concentration and purity. Jika dirasakan tips ini bermanfaat, anda boleh kongsikan dengan semua untuk informasi bersama. Beberapa hari lepas, tekak Kak Bell teringin sangat nak makan kerang. Sebab tu kami susah nak diagnose penyakit melalui phone call/gambar raw sahaja. While some cases of the non-effusive form of FIP responded to GS-441524 therapy in these trials, the responses in cases with this form of FIP were not as favorable as those seen in cases of the effusive form. Semalam tengah dok scroll fb feeds nampak sorang kawan lama share resepi ayam masak Thai. many antibodies against coronavirus), however, is not necessarily more likely to develop FIP or be a carrier of an FIPV than a cat with a low titer. Kaedahnya dah lama dah kak bell nak masak ayam dalam freezer tu. Simptom-simptom Kredit gambar: VETSNOBIETY. Affected cats may develop a pot-bellied appearance due to fluid accumulation in the abdomen, and if the fluid accumulation is excessive, it may become difficult for a cat to breathe normally. Prior to February 2019, feline infectious peritonitis was a guaranteed death sentence to cats. c) Pastikan anda asingkan kucing, anda pakai selipar dan glove semasa melakukan disinfection untuk keselamatan diri. Tiada rawatan dan vaksin untuk pesakit FIP. 5. Itupun ada juga kes, perlu tukar ubat jika ada simptom lain muncul in between treatment tu. Rather, FIP develops in individual cats after they are infected with FeCV and the virus undergoes mutations to become FIPV (FIPV itself is not passed in the feces). The first one is the increasing size of their belly. Atom Selain itu, kucing juga boleh dijangkiti FIP sekiranya kawasan tempat tinggal mereka mengandungi FECV (Feline Enteric Coronavirus). Disebabkan aku ada pengalaman menjaga kucing sakit dan ada pengalaman kematian bulus sebab sakit wet FIP, aku praktikkan penjagaan yang sama kat Abang tapi kali ni lebih teliti… Aku tanya jugak doktor haiwan yang aku kenal melalui telefon, agak²lah Abang ni … Dosage Calculator – Basmi FIP. FIP boleh dikatakan membawa maut dan tiada penawar. Biasanya goreng ajela hati ayam tu kan..takpun masak dengan sayur kacang panjang. The only way to definitively prevent FIP in cats is to prevent FeCV infection, which can be challenging given its ubiquitous nature. A positive result means only that the cat has had a prior exposure to coronavirus, but not necessarily to FIPV. Ni pun kawan yang bagi, si model jelita Tyra. 17mg/ml is formulated for cats weighing <4kg and has dry or wet forms of FIP. Companion Animal Hospital in Ithaca, NY for cats, dogs, exotics, and wildlife, Equine and Nemo Farm Animal Hospitals in Ithaca, NY for horses and farm animals, Cornell Ruffian Equine Specialists, on Long Island for every horse, Ambulatory and Production Medicine for service on farms within 30 miles of Ithaca, NY, Animal Health Diagnostic Center New York State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Ithaca, New York 14853-6401, Lung Ailments: A Widespread Source of Feline Woe. One of these tests, called the immunoperoxidase test, can detect viral proteins in virus-infected white blood cells in tissue, but a biopsy of affected tissue is necessary for evaluation. Meow yang selalu escort time pergi & balik kerja. It is important to note that while FeCV is quite contagious (it is passed in the feces and saliva of infected cats and infects other cats primarily via the oral cavity), FIPV is not believed to be. Once a cat develops clinical FIP, the disease is usually progressive and almost always fatal without therapy that has recently become available, but that has yet to be approved to treat FIP in cats by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (see below). a) 2 penutup penuh CLOROX + 1/2 baldi air. In cats with suppressed immune systems, FIPV infections may not cause elevated coronavirus titers due to an inability of the immune system to produce sufficient antibodies against the virus. Keterangan penyakit ini. It is also important to note that cases of the effusive form of FIP can evolve into the non-effusive form and vice-versa. Anak2 kucing perlu diberikan ubat cacing apabila berumur 6 ke 8 minggu, dan pastikan ianya bebas flea. so dia akan effect bahagian peparu dan jantung. Anak2 kucing tak digalakkan untuk dipisahkan dari ibu dibawah umur 8 minggu, seeloknya tunggu sehingga 10-12 minggu jika perlu dipisahkan. Hari ni kak bell just nak share sessi Q&A bersama Dr. Natrah pada interview slot Bersama Vet di Majalah Hai Meow. Kami perlu periksa dengan teliti. Lazimnya rawatan simptomatik akan diberikan untuk melegakan symptom sementara. Dah terajin pergi ... Hi korang! Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) adalah penyakit menular akibat infeksi corona virus dan dapat berakibat kematian. It is very important to discuss the risks, benefits, and evolving acquisition and regulatory issues with your veterinarian if you are considering therapy with GS-441524. Moshi mati sebab FIP, Oyen dan Gomo pulak berjangkit. Rawatan sokongan hanya membantu kucing dari segi meringankan simptom-simptom yang dialami. Harini kak bell fefelin buat dessert yang mudah dan simple untuk juadah berbuka iaitu Puding Sagu Gula Melaka. Bila dr. cakap macam tu, sedih dengar. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) adalah penyakit menular akibat infeksi corona virus dan dapat berakibat kematian. The signs of effusive form of FIP usually develop and progress relatively rapidly and include development of the above-mentioned non-specific signs combined with the accumulation of fluid in body cavities, including the abdomen and the thorax (chest cavity). FIP mempunyai dua jenis symptom; Dry FIP yang melibatkan masalah saraf dan sering dilihat pada kitten di bawah 6 bulan. Hasil pemeriksaan abdomen menunjukkan adanya undulasi positif diduga akibat penimbunan cairan di rongga abdomen. Assalamualaikum , selamat petang. Merupakan virus yang biasa dikesan pada kucing yang berada dalam rumah perlindungan kucing yang menyebabkan kucing kerap membuang najis. Kucing yang disahkan FIP akan mati dalam masa berapa minggu/bulan. Hi Korang! Cat Sneezing: Respiratory Infections, Allergens, and Other Causes Dry FIP will also present with lack of appetite, fever, jaundice, diarrhea, and weight loss, but there will not be an accumulation of fluid. Tanda-tanda FIP terdiri daripada perut yang membusungkan cecair, demam, susut berat badan, hilang kawalan pergerakan badan, lumpuh, jangkitan teruk pada mata. Tak banyak diketahui tentang penyakit ini, vaksin boleh kurangkan risiko tetapi jangkitan mungkin boleh berlaku juga. While there are still some uncertainties regarding the long-term effectiveness of recently-identified antiviral drugs to treat FIP (most importantly regarding its effectiveness in treating the non-effusive form of FIP), studies in both the laboratory and in client-owned cats with naturally occurring FIP suggest that a drug currently referred to as GS-441524 may ultimately prove to be an effective treatment option for (minimally) the effusive form of FIP. Seperti Leukimia yang menyerang manusia, virus ini boleh menyebabkan kanser. OLIGONUCLEOTIDES ON FELINE INFECTIOUS PERITONITIS VIRUS INFECTION IN VITRO By CHOONG OI KUAN May 2012 Chair: Abdul Rahman Omar, PhD Faculty: Institute of Bioscience Feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) is a feline coronavirus (FCoV) which causes a fatal immune-mediated disease called feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) in cats. Peritonis berjangkit feline (feline infectious peritonitis, FIP). Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus ini biasa juga disebut radang selaput rongga perut dan dada. This expert system is designed using PHP programming language. first the cat will have symptoms that look like a cold, with sneezing, nasal congestion, fever and sometimes drooling Kulit, membran mucous dan mata kekuningan. FIP terbahagi kepada ‘wet FIP’ dan ‘dry FIP’. Hasil pemeriksaan abdomen menunjukkan adanya undulasi positif diduga akibat penimbunan cairan di rongga abdomen. FIP sebenarnya merupakan penyakit yang langka, dan tidak akan menyerang manusia bila seandainya kucingmu terkena FIP. Cats that are housed in high-density facilities (i.e. Typically a cat with dry FIP will show ocular or neurological signs. Cats that have been initially exposed to FeCV usually show no obvious symptoms. FeCV-infected cats usually mount an immune response through which antibodies against the virus are produced within 7-10 days of infection. ), Bibir Kucing Bengkak!! S5) Adakah FIP mudah merebak ke kucing lain dan bagaimana untuk mencegahnya? 4. Jangkitan Coronavirus. When their belly size is increasing but they become skinnier, that is one real sign of FIP that you need … Luka berjangkit. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease of cats caused by certain strains of a virus called the feline coronavirus. Baru boleh bagi ubat yang betul. Non-effusive (dry) FIP. Masalah pencernaan. Di kesempatan ni kak bell nak ucapkan selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin untuk semua. Â Â The Cornell Feline Health Center is closely monitoring the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Feline infectious peritonitis virus. Wet FIP yang menyebabkan busung air pada abdomen dan juga thorax. Selalunya virus banyak dikeluarkan pada air liur (saliva) dan najis (cirit) bagi kucing yang telah terjangkit. ( Hi! 20 Malaysian Homecooking Recipes book in category A13 Blogger listed in the Autumn Harvest list for Gourmand World Cookbook Award 2021, Post Comments Jaundice mungkin sukar untuk dilihat pada kulit kucing yang bulunya berwarna gelap namun ia boleh dikesan pada gusi dan mata putih kucing. While antibody levels, or titers, to coronavirus can be measured, they cannot definitively distinguish between exposure to FeCV and FIPV. Dari kategori ini baru vet dapat mengenalpasti apakah punca jaundice tersebut. FIP bukanlah penyakit yang senang berjangkit seperti Parvo Virus. There are two major forms of FIP, an effusive, or âwetâ form and a noneffusive, or âdryâ form. Currently, no protective vaccine or effective treatment for the disease is available. FIP Symptoms Early signs of FIP can vary but often include a rising and falling fever, loss of appetite, and energy loss. Penularannya terjadi melalui liur atau feses dan melalui plasenta dari induk ke anak. The result of ... sekitar 65% kucing yang di bawa ke klinik adalah kucing yang sudah parah kondisinya hal ini ... FIP Kutu/Flea Babesiosis Keracunan zat tertelan G044,G045,G046,G047,G054, G060,G061. So harini, nak shar... Baru-baru ini Kak Bell ada terbaca tentang bahaya mi segera (instant noodle). Kandungan. Simptom yang kerap dilihat di peringkat awal seperti masalah pernafasan, mata berair, cirit, dan juga lemah dan kerap sakit kerana immuniti badan yang menurun. Other available tests can, in theory, detect the presence of the virus itself. 2. Ujian yang agak serius adalah gejala FIP dalam kucing. Namun, penyakit ini tidak dapat disebarkan dan tidak disebar ke haiwan lain atau ke manusia. It is this interaction between the bodyâs own immune system and the virus that is responsible for the development of FIP. Menurut Dr. tu lagi, yang perut membesar tu dalam nya ada air. Hi korang! Namun, jangkitan boleh berpunca daripada immuniti badan yang lemah, genetik kucing tertentu terutamanya jangkitan ibu kepada kittens yang baru dilahirkan, dan paling kerap pada persekitaran yang banyak kucing. In approximately 10 percent of cats infected with FeCV, one or more mutations of the virus can alter its biological behavior, resulting in white blood cells becoming infected with virus and spreading it throughout the catâs body. 4. Keeping cats as healthy as possible, including preventing infection by other viruses such as feline leukemia virus and calicivirus by appropriate vaccination, where indicated, is likely to decrease the likelihood of FIP. FIP bukanlah penyakit yang mudah berjangkit sebenarnya, Cuma ia lebih mudah menjangkiti kucing yang immunitinya lemah dan sering berlaku pada persekitaran kucing yang banyak, kerana risiko jangkitan virus corona sangat tinggi untuk populasi kucing yang banyak. 73 symptoms. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) adalah penyakit menular akibat infeksi corona virus dan dapat berakibat kematian. Bella Jamal is a part-time blog writer of Ini Adalah Bellarina Natasya. A healthy cat with a high coronavirus titer (i.e. Cirit birit berlaku keatas kucing dewasa, kucing tua, anak kucing, kucing jantan dan kucing betina. Diagnosa FIP dijumpai pada seekor kucing dengan gejala anoreksia, lemas, perut membesar dan diare. Studies have found that some cats survive the challenge of virulent FCoV isolates. Diagnosa FIP dijumpai pada seekor kucing dengan gejala anoreksia, lemas, perut membesar dan diare. Kedua bentuk FIP dapat menimbulkan gejala seperti lesu, demam, muntah diarrhea, … Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) adalah penyakit menular akibat infeksi corona virus dan dapat berakibat kematian. This is particularly true of cats that are housed in high density (shelters, catteries), and housing cats at a density at or below three per room is recommended to minimize stresses that can be associated with crowded living conditions. Luka bakteria. Most strains of feline coronavirus are found in the gastrointestinal tract and do not cause significant disease. Other symptoms include lack of appetite, fever, weight loss, jaundice, and diarrhea. S3) Apakah tanda-tanda awal kucing itu dijangkiti FIP dan bagaimana virus tersebut didiagnosis? Unfortunately, there is currently no definitive test to diagnose FIP. Ringkasannya FIP, atau FECV (Feline Enteric Coronavirus), jangkitannya tidaklah serius dan biasanya kucing boleh kembali sihat. Up to this day, different kinds of researches are still trying to figure out the best method to diagnose the cats that are infected with the disease. Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) – FIP merupakan pembunuh kedua kucing dewasa dan anak-anak kucing selepas Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV). Cats infected with FeCV usually do not show any symptoms during the initial viral infection, but may occasionally experience brief bouts of diarrhea and/or mild upper respiratory signs from which they recover spontaneously. Bagaimana untk disinfek kawasan rumah/ perkakasan kucing untuk elakkan jangkitan penyakit pada kucing lain? A long time ago graduated from the National University of Malaysia with a degree in Bachelor of Chemistry, now working as a Social Media Professional for Telco company. Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Kucing mengalami cirit-birit disebabkan banyak perkara. FIP adalah satu penyakit virus daripada virus Corona (C. S2) Mengikut kefahaman doktor, adakah virus FIP berpunca dari masalah kesihatan, jangkitan atau faktor persekitaran? Kalau jenis dry, perut tak membesar tapi sama dengan simptom yang lain. Simptom yang kerap dilihat di peringkat awal seperti masalah pernafasan, mata berair, cirit, dan juga lemah dan kerap sakit kerana immunity badan yang menurun. Dua Jenis Penyakit FIP ... peritonitis (disingkat FIP) atau radang peritoneum infeksius pada kucing adalah penyakit menular pada kucing akibat infeksi virus Feline Coronavirus (FCoV). Although these tests can be useful, none of them is 100% accurate, and each suffers from its own limitations that may lead to false negative or false positive results. Apa yang doktor vet boleh lakukan selalunya memastikan keselesaan fizikal dan pernafasan pada kucing tersebut dan juga melengahkan tempoh perebakan mutasi virus di dalam badan kucing. 20mg/ml is formulated for cats weigher ≥4kg and has neurological FIP. Disini ingin teman ingatkan cirit-birit bukanlah sejenis penyakit tetapi cirit-birit adalah tanda atau simptom terhadap penyakit tertentu. Some cats may show mild upper respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal discharge, while others may experience mild gastrointestinal signs such as diarrhea. Perlu ambil sedikit sample kulit/bulu untuk buat diagnosis. Bolehlah kita sama-sama kongsi mengenai penyakit FIP yang boleh menjangkiti si bulus kesayangan kita. For those who worry about their cat, there are actually two kinds of symptoms of FIP that you can see in your cat. Supporting Cat Health with Information and Health Studies. Any cat that carries FeCV is potentially at risk for developing FIP, but younger cats are at greater risk of developing FIP, with approximately 70% of cases diagnosed in cats less than 1 1/2 years of age and 50% of cases occurring in cats less than 7 months of age. Sedih lah! Felion Infectious Peritonitis atau FIP, boleh menyebabkan simptom seperti selesema kepada kucing, tetapi juga boleh menjadi lebih serius untuk kucing dan boleh menyebabkan kegagalan organ. Thanks to a lifetime of dedication and devotion, Dr Niels Pedersen of UC Davis discovered the cure for FIP: the nucleoside analog GS-441524, also referred to as “GS”. Many cats with non-effusive FIP will have ocular (eye) symptoms as their only clinical sign. Dalam banyak kes, FIP boleh menyebabkan kematian bagi kucing. Only a small percentage of cats that are exposed to the FeCV develop FIP, and this can occur weeks, months, or even years after initial exposure to FeCV. Cat owners should consult their veterinarian to help them decide if their cat should be vaccinated. Until recently, FIP was considered to be a non-treatable disease. ABSTRAK: Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) adalah penyakit menular akibat infeksi corona virus dan dapat berakibat kematian. FIP mempunyai dua jenis symptom; Dry FIP yang melibatkan masalah saraf dan sering dilihat pada kitten di bawah 6 bulan. 3. Gejala Feline. Penyakit FIP ini berlaku apabila virus bermutasi menyebabkan sistem immuniti badan memakan sel dan organ badan sendiri. Supportive care, including fluid therapy, drainage of accumulated fluids, and blood transfusions, is also indicated in some cases. Litter boxes should be kept clean and located away from food and water dishes. Some sources have suggested that newly acquired cats and any cats that are suspected of being infected with FeCV should be separated from other cats, although the usefulness of this management strategy is debatable. Once disease develops, most individuals deteriorate rapidly, although some cats … Semua kucing yang pernah dijangkiti virus Corona berisiko untuk mendapat FIP. In most cases, these mild signs are self-limiting. Hari ni saya nak update lah info dan kos yang di kenakan untuk penyakit kucing yang di beri nama FELINE CORONA VIRUS atau FIP atau busung air.Lepas sambutan raya haji kerja tak banyak sangat di sebabkan COVID19 terjejas … Copyright © | Designed and Developed By Ini Adalah Bellarina Natasya. b) Gunakan air bancuhan ini untuk mop lantai dan basuh perkakasan kucing anda, biarkan 10 minit 'contact time' dan bilas/basuh hingga yakin bersih dan tiada kesan clorox lagi. Penyakit ini tiada ubat, tetapi rawatan awal terhadap simptom-simptom yang ditunjukkan boleh menyelamat nyawa kucing anda. Lama rasanya Kak Bell tak kongsi resepi. Regardless of which form they ultimately progress to develop, cats infected with FIPV usually first develop nonspecific signs of disease such as loss of appetite, weight loss, depression, and fever. For any opportunities, event coverage, product review or sponsorship can contact me at [email protected]. Asyik busy memanjang. These are referred to as feline enteric coronavirus (FeCV). Penyakit ini didapati banyak terjadi di pusat perlindungan haiwan di mana terdapat kucing-kucing dewasa yang hidup bersama anak-anak kucing. Sekitar 85% penyakit FIP disebabkan oleh virus FcoV-1. Tingkat keganasan penyakit ini tergantung pada sistem kekebalan tubub kucing … (Swollen Bottom Lips). Dalam hujan dia bawak anak dia kat Kak Bell. Nak tahu lebih lanjut boleh visit website kat bawah ni kay! Cats infected with FeCV usually do not show any symptoms during the initial viral infection, but may occasionally experience brief bouts of diarrhea and/or mild upper respiratory signs from which they recover spontaneously. Tahun ni memang meriah memasak untuk j... Entri kali ni kak bell nak kongsikan beberapa cara dan Tip Bagi Kucing Makan Ubat. It is best to use a 2ml syringe and a measuring needle 19 or 20 with a length of 2.5cm. In spite of this limitation, however, young cats that experience a fever that is not responsive to antibiotics and that have high coronavirus titers are often presumptively diagnosed with FIP (appropriately in most cases). Catparents boleh pertimbangkan untuk melakukan ujian darah ke atas kucing anda bagi memastikan kesihatan kucing anda terhadap penyakit FIP atau FCoV itu sendiri. Bordetella The most common mode of transmission of FeCV is believed to occur when infected queens pass along the virus to their kittens, usually when the kittens are between five and eight weeks of age. 3. Learn More About Feline Infectious Peritonitis of Cats – Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a disease that will be very dangerous for your cats. Kucing betina boleh in heat semula semasa menyusukan seawal beberapa minggu usia anak kucing. This is particularly true if characteristic fluid (yellow tinged with a high protein and white blood cell concentration) begins to accumulate within body cavities. An intense inflammatory reaction to FIPV occurs around vessels in the tissues where these infected cells locate, often in the abdomen, kidney, or brain. Jawapannya jarang masuk dapur sejak akhir-akhir ni jadi terciptalah Resepi Telur ... Hi Korang! Bukak je p... Hi korang! Senang je uols bu... Hi Korang! Symptoms of all these diseases are the same, if infected, it will affect the respiratory system until deadly if not treated... only the System will attack the nervous system also makes the infected dog's nerve to pulse even after healing... the way to prevent is the same, Don't mix sick pets with healthy ones in 1 places... that's why we are advised not to mix too much in 1 places to avoid this virus infecting other … Virus ini ada dalam dua bentuk seperti bentuk basah (melibatkan cairan perut) dan kering (tidak melibatkan cairan perut). Dari malam semalam kekononnya menahan diri dari makan nasi selepas balik ker... Hi uolss! To our knowledge, coronaviruses cannot be passed from infected cats to humans. Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Ruffian Equine Specialists, on Long Island. Suka makan hati dan pedal ayam tak? And memang kita tak akan boleh buat apa-apa sebab kucing tu memang akan mati. Harini datang kerajinan Kak Bell nak memasak. Untuk pencegahan, asingkan kucing yang sakit dan pastikan tangan dan pakaian anda dibersihkan dahulu sebelum pegang kucing lain. shelters, catteries) appear to be more susceptible to the development of FIP, as are pure bred cats, male cats, and geriatric cats, for reasons that remain unclear. There is only one licensed FIP vaccine available, but this vaccine has questionable effectiveness in preventing FIP, and it is not routinely recommended by the American Association of Feline Practitioners Feline Vaccine Advisory Panel. Sebenarnya sakit kuning ini adalah merupakan diantara simptom terhadap penyakit yang dialami oleh kucing kita. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is an immune-mediated, highly lethal disease caused by feline coronavirus (FCoV) infection.
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