top 100 psychedelic rock albums

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Pipers at thr gates dawn, saucer full of secrets. ), Touch by Touch (Famous for it’s split bi-fold cover. But while the band recorded And when this remarkable album was finally put out, it was given such a critical mauling that the discouraged band split up. They were already classics by the time the This classic album from really stands apart from the best psychedelic albums. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, The Mothers of Invention’s Absolutely Free and Herbie Hancock’s Thrust would’ve among my choices too.“Hey, punk, where you goin’ with that flower in your hand?WHAT ABOUT THE ELECTRIC PRUNES , THE STRAWBERRY ALARM CLOCK OR THE LEMON PIPERSBingo!!! Not a bad start but without these 3, this list is seriously lackingCool that HP Lovecraft made the list! If you don’t know it, check it out.Yes Ultimate Spinach should be on the essential list, it is at once ultimately psychedelic, cringing lyrically and sonicly mind bending, and A movie and sub B movie all at the same time, Cosmic Man!To illustrate my point about Ultimate Spinach lyrics here is the track listing for the album Behold & See -Side A 1.Gilded lamp of the Cosmos 2.Visions of Your Reality 3.Jazz Thing 4.Mind Flowers Side B 1. The Nektar? Right off the top of my head, I would’ve included Todd Rundgren’s “A Wizard, A True Star”, released in March of 1973. There’s the hypnotic blues folk of “Fly Free”, and it ends with “Desire”, which starts off as what seems to be a rather straightforward uptempo blues vamp only to become a crazed schizo ripper that I bet the Butthole Surfers listened to more than once down in Texas. Always thought Andrew Gold should have made a second album under that name.My idea of Psychedelic doesn’t include prog and space rock, but I think Baxters, Electric Music,Fixin to Die, S F Sorrow, United States of America and Savage Ressurection would be my personal favorites.I love early Hendrix, Byrds and Love, (Arthur Lee and Bryan Maclean wrote some great songs).This is an obscure one from norway. Their first four albums could have made this list.What about Arzachal? Left out some great bands! The cover looked cool and that was about all. The first 3 GONG albums and Syd Barrett’s “The Madcap Laughs” are10x more psychedelic than half of the original list!Keith Wests Tomorrow deserve a place on any best of psych list.What about “We are Ever So Clean” and “If Only for a Moment” both by Blossom Toes? Members went on to form another classic Canadian Band called Foot in cold water…it’s on spotifyThe Nice – “The Thoughts of Emerlist Davjack” up there with “Piper at the Gates of Dawn” as classic UK Psychedeliachips from the chocolate fireball – dukes of stratosphereYou left off my Top 2: Spirit “The Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus” and Caravan “If I Could Do It All Over Again, I’d Do It All Over You”!Hard to believe that Big Brother’s “Cheap THrills” didn’t make the list. Back in the day it was a MUST when I altered my consciousness.I think the Blues Magoos’ “Psychedelic Lollipop” should be on the list.I’ve heard all but maybe 4 of those albums and think you have a great list. or (as in the case of many Beatles compositions) is it music that was composed by musicians as a result of their drug experiences? The Incredible … Let us know in the comments section, below.Cream were only partly a psychedelic band. Gathering of Promises is easily in the top 10. And finally the Amboy Dukes Journey to the Center of Your Mind! One of my favorite albums of all timeThe illusion is my top band of the 60s. Some were clearly acid-inspired, but at least one was made by an artist (Prince) who never indulged in hallucinogenics. You have the crazed, mind-bending take on Billie Holiday’s “God Bless the Child” that no doubt members of The Residents took to heart. “Tomorrow Never Knows”? How about. Freakiest thing i ever heard…..Cream’s album is my favourite of the ones on here that I have heard, I am not that keen on this genre of rock etc. They were so great, I immediately bought all three albums. 3

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