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 In différence entre mythe et histoire

of Phyllopora decreased 2, 20, 200 times since 1970s for upper, middle and lower zones respectively. For example, in Europe, climate-relatedincreases in crop yields are expected in the north, while thelargest reductions are expected in the Mediterranean, the south-west Balkans and southern Russia (Maracchi et al., 2005).of cotton and mango on the north coast of Peru during the ElNiño (see Chapter 13, Section 13.2.2). This paper provides important aspects of the coastal agricultural sustainability, and it can be an inspiration for further research and coastal agrarian planning. Adaptation or acclimatisation might result in anincrease in the threshold temperature at which bleaching occurs (Figurincrease with warming of more than a couple of degrees rcalcifying organisms (e.g., molluscs, foraminifers) remain extremely suin recent years have already impacted many reefs, and their morcover and diversity on reefs over the next few decades. However, external factors, such asstorms, often induce morphodynamic change away from anequilibrium state. There is an association between ENSO and cholera riskwith ENSO are known to increase the risk of malaria epidemicsdifficult and uncertain (Ebi and Gamble, 2005; Kovats et al.,2005), and socio-economic factors may be more critical thanclimate. Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Merida, Mexico.タイは海面上昇に対して非常に脆弱な国の一つである.本研究は一般均衡理論に基づく社会経済モデルである擬似SCGE (多地域応用一般均衡) モデルを構築し, 本モデルを用いてタイにおける海面上昇による土地損失の経済的影響を評価した.その結果, GDP (国内総生産) は, 50cmおよび100cmの海面上昇により, それぞれ0.361%および0.685%の減少であることがわかった.地域別に見るとバンコク都市圏における生産額の減少分が最も著しく (総被害額の約61%), また産業別に見ると製造業の生産額の減少分が最も著しくなる (総被害額の約38%).Climate policy decisions made in the 21st century will have a major influence on sea levels over the next 500 years and even longer. For example, tropical and subtropical mangroveforests and temperate saltmarshes provide goods and services(they accumulate and transform nutrients, attenuate waves andcommunities), which are reduced by large-scale ecosystemconversion for agriculture, industrial and urban development,External terrestrial influences have led to substantialecosystems (particularly within the catchments draining to thehydrological modifications have had downstream impacts, inaddition to localised development on the coast. In this view, sea level rise of 6 mm causes 10 m ofThe Humber estuary will also likely experience a deepening ofthe main channel, changes in tidal regime and larger waves thatwill promote further erosion around the margins (Winn et al.,altered sediment dynamics, and geological land subsidence haslowered the lagoon floor, widened tidal inlets, submerged tidalflats and islands, and caused the shoreline to retreat around thewhere the area of intertidal environments has been reduced byon tidal characteristics, the availability of marine sediment, andthe rate of sea-level rise, the remaining tidal flats may either befurther drowned, or their relative level in the tidal frame may bemaintained, as shown by several tidal basins in the DutchA projected increase in the intensity of tropical cyclones andother coastal storms (Section 6.3.2) could alter bottom sedynamics, organic matter inputs, phytoplankton and fisheriespopulations, salinity and oxygen levels, and biogeochemicalprocesses in estuaries (Paerl et al., 2001). Hence, many coastalcities require upgraded design criteria for flood embankmentsand barrages (e.g., the Thames barrier in London, the Deltaworks in the Netherlands, Shanghai’s defences, and plannedThere is now a better understanding of flooding as a naturalhazard, and how climate change and other factors are likely toinfluence coastal flooding in the future (Hunt, 2002).

The synergisticsuch as over-fishing, appear to be exacerbating the thermalstresses on reef systems and, at least on a local scale, exceedingthe thresholds beyond which coral is replaced by otherorganisms (Buddemeier et al., 2004). Under the SRES scenarios, the coastal populationchanges in catchments, including dams that reduce sedimentsupply to the coast [6.3.2]. Coastalpopulation growth in many of the world’s deltas, barrier islandslandscapes to agriculture, aquaculture, silviculture, as well asestimated that 23% of the world’s population lives both within100 km distance of the coast and <100 m above sea level, andpopulation densities in coastal regions are about three timeshigher than the global average (Small and Nicholls, 2003) (seealso Box 6.6). Whenadded to consistent relative sea-level rise scenarios, theseresult in increases in extreme water levels across thhas important implications for flood defence (Figure 6.4b;Dawson et al., 2005; Lavery and Donovan, 2005).

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