z-index doesn't work

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That is, they exist at the same level in the markup (this is different from z-index level). Try setting z-index:1 for #whitebox and z-index:-1 for #blubg_mid. lightning-aura-components lightning aura lightning-buttonmenu. We want the overlay to be displayed over everything, including the side tab.Let’s take a look at the CSS for the elements in question:All the elements have their position set, and the side tab has a Previously, we addressed some factors that go into the stacking context, such as if the element has its position set, as well as its order in the markup.Let’s take a closer look at the three elements in question.Looking at the markup, we can see that the content and side tab elements are siblings. It’s super useful, and honestly a very important tool to know how to use in CSS.Unfortunately, z-index is one of those properties that doesn’t always behave in an intuitive way. To accomplish this, we’ll add But this causes the bottom cat to be displayed on top of the white block again!You may not run into this issue often, but another aspect of stacking order is that some CSS properties like In my opinion, doing this will solve most, if not all of the more basic z-index issues.Here’s what we have: a simple webpage with regular content, and a pink side tab that says “Send Feedback” that is positioned on top of the content.Then, when you click on the photo of the cat, a modal window with a transparent gray background overlay opens up.However, even when the modal window is open, the side tab is still on top of the gray overlay. At first it’s natural to assume elements with higher z-index values are in front of elements with lower z-index values, and any element with a z-index is in front of any element without a z-index, but it’s not that simple. But the second cat image is positioned on top of the block!Even if elements don’t have their z-index set, there is a rhyme and reason to which ones will be on top.In our case, none of the elements have a z-index value. I only recommend products that I personally know and believe are helpful to my readers.

Elements with non-static positioning will always appear on top of elements with default static positioning. What is z-index? So their stacking order is determined by their order of appearance. This puts all three elements in the same stacking context as them, so each of their z-index levels will now affect one another.In this new stacking context, the elements will display in the following order, from top to bottom:If you don’t want to or can’t change the markup, you can fix this problem by removing the Since the content element is now unpositioned, it will no longer limit the modal’s While this does work, I personally would go for the first solution.Because if for some reason in the future you have to position the content element, it will again limit the modal’s order in the stacking context.I hope that you’ve found this tutorial helpful! You need to tell the browser that he should not behave with the boxes like normal boxes in the DOM (Document Object Model), but as mentioned from the other uses with position:relative; or position:absolute;I hope you understand this, because English is not my native language.

To sum up, most issues with z-index can be solved by following these two guidelines:I write tips for beginner web developers at Coder-Coder.com.

If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care. freeCodeCamp is a donor-supported tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (United States Federal all div has positioned and z-index, this work in firefox 3.6 and safari on mac. Z-index can also be set with negative values, allowing you to specify objects as “always behind” other objects. To accomplish this, we’ll add But this causes the bottom cat to be displayed on top of the white block again!You may not run into this issue often, but another aspect of stacking order is that some CSS properties like In my opinion, doing this will solve most, if not all of the more basic z-index issues.Here’s what we have: a simple webpage with regular content, and a pink side tab that says “Send Feedback” that is positioned on top of the content.Then, when you click on the photo of the cat, a modal window with a transparent gray background overlay opens up.However, even when the modal window is open, the side tab is still on top of the gray overlay.

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