histoire famille snedeker

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À Enfield, en Angleterre, au 284 Green Street, une maison de banlieue était située dans une rue calme. Is it slightly concerning that none of the versions (book, documentary, movie) mention the resident who lived on the top floor, sharing the house with them at the time (I think her name was Sally), who saw and heard nothing supernatural?I saw the movie last night and it was my 2nd time seeing it. As for how Phillip died, all those that keep saying suicide, where did you get that from? Did you find him? She wasn’t too happy about some of our reporting on the validity of the story behind the movie, and in doing a little research, we realized it was obvious she wouldn’t be sending Ray Garton a birthday card anytime soon, either. Alot of discrepancies, but it’s Hollywood after all. I’m sorry to hear that Phillip had to live with the stigma of being the Kid Who Lived in the Haunted Funeral Home.Phillip did not die from cancer he killed him self. & they had not seen him in a very long time. I feel sorry for his 4 boys. Alton, comté de Madison, dans l'Illinois, est considéré comme l'un des endroits les plus fréquentés des États-Unis pour voir le nombre d'histoires de fantômes dévastant cette ville. you wouldn’t want yours out in the open for prying eyes so what makes you think that someone who has been through something so terrible would actually want to comment on it any further for public consumption. Carmen has stated that he wants to someday speak to the public. Après la mort de son mari, William Wirt Winchester, et une déduction de 1 000 dollars par jour (le salaire journalier moyen étant alors de 1,50 dollar), Sarah Winchester a demandé l'aide d'un spirite pour faire face à son chagrin. They may be made up by some Hollywood man but someone is just a little more sick than the rest of us to take a family’s frightening expirience and stretch it to a two and a half hour film. Le Cas White Rose – 7. The website is now defunct. The Snedeker boy did not set fire to the house either. Carolyn a été réveillée au milieu de la nuit par le fantôme d'une vieille dame grise appelée Bathsheba, dont la tête pendait. Its like a marriage, so while he could be a catholic priest it doesnt mean he is sanctioned etc.Well, we get to finally hear from Phillip tomorrow night on Paranormal Witness. His debunking of the haunting is such crap if you are really familiar with the case. Étiquette : famille Snedeker. I remain annonymous because I was sort of a friend of Phil’s. When they moved to connecticut allen went back to newyork to move. it’s human nature to want to know about the paranormal, okay but you’ve got your movie so leave the family alone. Stephan said that he saw things but they went away when he was medicated. A lot of those happened with Carmen’s blessing. Garton is the author of I just wanted to let everyone know we have two other more comprehensive interviews on the site regarding this story.And just recently we did one with the producer of “The Haunting in Connecticut” Any chance you guys could get an interview with Lorraine Warren. The shower curtain scene was also more creepy in the documentary. I want to find some more information about the family and maybe thier “real names”, I heard a rumor that they were living in Tennessee now and not sure how believable that is but like I said, its a rumor! Butch a affirmé avoir été tourmenté par des voix lui ordonnant de tuer sa famille.

The old Grand Union/A & P food store used to be on that fork. On croit que le mal à l'intérieur a été attiré par la famille et non par la maison elle-même. He claims the young man was on drugs that caused his hallucinations and admitted the sightings stopped after he ceased taking the drugs (something that the Discovery special stated was not the problem), that there were inconsistent stories among the famiy members and that Carmen herself was running some type of lottery scam around the same time.

& now you are the GHOST instead of you were the one seeing GHOST as a child. But I also believe alot of people will do whatever it takes to save their childs life. Go watching paranormal witness, it explains everyythiingHey Ray Garton is a former Seven Day Adventist turn Atheist.

Cause he never interviewed with NO ONE. En 1986, la famille Snedeker – Allen et Carmen, leurs trois fils, leur fille et leurs deux nièces – s’est installée à Meriden Avenue, Southington, dans le Connecticut.

If they did perform an exorcism, my guess is that they realized post-ritual that they’d been scammed and don’t want to comment on it now.”Doubt it.

Phillip didn’t get to live in peace. Only he and “Stephen” saw the demon. Janet est également devenue obsédée, parlant d'une voix grave et démoniaque appartenant à Bill Wilkins, âgé de 72 ans, qui était décédé auparavant dans la maison.

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