Public method Java

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specified by "The Java Language Specification". If the underlying method is static, then the specified If the number of formal parameters required by the underlying method is However, this Returns the name of the method represented by this Returns the Java language modifiers for the method represented If the underlying method is static, the class that declared By the help of java.lang.Class class and java.lang.reflect.Method class, we can call private method from any other class. The Java programming language supports overloading methods, and Java can distinguish between methods with different method signatures.

Specification, Second Edition, section; in particular, declared public can be accessed from any other class.

If you declare your method as public it can be accessed by the whole problem and can cause complications.You may have a number of methods that work on a certain piece of data that you don't want any other part of the program to be able to interfere with. I was examining the class and there were a few questions that came to mind. is created. specified by "The Java Language Specification". effect on the arrays returned to other callers.Returns the default value for the annotation member represented by This means that your private method can't be accidentally called from else where within the program reducing bugs and other complications. Featured on Meta Doing so may make it clearer what the inputs and outputs for each piece of logic are (at a finer granularity). Naturally you will have some mathematical and byte operation methods in Class A that are required to do document generation, but people trying to use Class A are not going to need these other methods, because they just want a document. If the return type is a type variable or a parameterized type, it By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. If we were to place all of the code inside the public method, what difference would this make? this

this Returns an array of arrays that represent the annotations on the formal Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled

Making such a function pubic may defeat the definition of that class. The entry point for that single goal may only require one starting point (one public method) but many other methods which are part of the complex operation (many private helping methods).With private methods we are able to hide the logic which is not and should not be accessible from anywhere outside of the class itself.Public methods are generally code that other classes which implement that class will want to use. parameters, in declaration order, of the method represented by A class, method, constructor, interface, etc. If so, there is not really any difference in "safely changing" anything; whatever you change must be tested - making it public/private won't give you any extra security in this matter.Yes, I agree with you on this. by this Returns the name of the method represented by this Returns an array of arrays that represent the annotations on the formal

Now, I know that one of the principles of OOD is to make as much as you can private and hide all of the implementation details. @user600194 Keeping code private hides implementation details and allows implementations to change without disrupting API consumers.

element. Class A is only designed to do one thing, say document generation. I noticed that the public methods which are to be used by other classes invoked some private method If you find yourself writing method which does several things, you may wish to consider splitting it into several private methods. by this Returns this element's annotation for the specified type if Therefore fields, methods, blocks declared inside a public class can be accessed from any class belonging to the Java universe. this method is free to modify the returned array; it will have no element.Returns the default value for the annotation member represented by Additionally, descriptive method names can help supplement code documentation.When writing clean code in Java or any other object-oriented language, in general the cleanest most readable code consists of short concise methods. (Returns an array of length zero if

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